| last chance for online training |, The is drawing to a close, with hundreds of businesses taking the opportunity to expand their online knowledge since June 2010. If you’ve been meaning to come along and haven’t been able to squeeze it into your schedule, now is your last chance!, Margaret River Regional Super Online workshop series, There is one last session being offered on , which is subject to minimum numbers. The subject will be , with the aim of helping businesses learn about the ins and outs of web design, hierarchy creation + evaluation, and establishing an online ‘customer journey’. It’s the final opportunity for any business wanting to expand their online knowledge, or how to improve the effectiveness of their website. The sessions are only $15 per person, and run from 5.30 to 8.30pm. If you’re interested, secure your place as soon as possible by visiting or contact Rachel Tielens via ., Thursday 19th May at Wyndham Resort, Design School, www.superonlinetraining.com.au, [email protected]