The Orange Seed Project 2013 splashes into Round 2
The Orange Seed Project began as a small seed of an idea that has continued to grow and flourish. Back in it’s first year 2012, Jack in the box and The West Australian gifted wonderful not for profit organisation, The Perth Bone and Tissue Bank, with over $100,000 worth of marketing services and advertising space. Today, they are known as PlusLife and their amazing journey can be read about, here., Now in it’s second year, 20 lucky organisations have been chosen as finalists for Round 2 and the judges are eagerly awaiting their second stage applications to narrow it down to the Final 10 which will be announced September 9., Check out The Orange Seed Project 2013 where you can take a look at last year’s Final 10 and the videos they submiited., website, Keep an eye out for this year’s finalists – there is a share of gifts worth over $280,000 to be presented this year and we cannot say how thrilled we are to have another opportunity to help an organistion in need., Because a tiny seed is just the beginning of growth for wonderful, fruitful things!