Our Very Own Australian Idol
Jack in the box’s Vickie Hewes is on the way to stardom after being selected as a finalist for Australian Idol., That’s right, the Australian Planning Idol., It’s a national competition conducted by the Australian Communications Council for people in the Planning Industry under 30. Entrants must submit their solution to a strategic problem, in this case for the ‘One Laptop Per Child’ organisation., Vickie’s ‘outside the box’ submission was selected as one of 18 finalists, from some of the biggest agencies across the country, to go through to the next stage., Formal presentations of the entries are being carried out next week in Sydney, with the winner announced on Thursday evening. If Vickie wins she receives a trip to the US to attend the 2012 AAAA Planning Conference., We’re crossing everything but with Vickie’s talent we’re confident she must be close – go girl, go!