
With an extensive and expanding network of carwash facilities and car related businesses across the country, Silver Sponge approached thebox to take a strategic look at their branding and advertising.

Beginning with a Campaign Strategy to lay the foundation, we uncovered a range of audiences which needed to be catered for. This was on top of a growing range of business opportunities which the brand needed to fit with.

Visually, the brand was suffering from a retro look which was not appealing to the masses. Looking at every car on the market, they all use a chrome badge. As such, this became our inspiration for the development of the SILVER part of the mark.

Fast, dynamic and professional, the ‘rebadging’ of Silver Sponge elevates the brand to a new level and is effective in its ability to cross over from businesses original core offering of Hand Washing cars.

What We’ve Done

  • Strategic Planning
  • Campaign Development
  • Brand Development
  • Corporate Style
  • Design
  • Printing
  • Collateral
  • Templates
  • Growth Planning
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