The Challenge
GP down south has been an established part of the southern regional community for over 30 years. But it had a few significant issues – they aren’t GP’s and they don’t just service Down South!
The Idea
thebox was the successful proponent in a competitive tender for the renaming and rebranding of GP down south. This included a full review of the organisations Mission and Vision along with the creation of a new Brand Promise which would accompany the new look and feel in elevating the organisation into its next phase of growth.
The Solution
We began with a series of Discovery Sessions which stretched across Peel and the South West, engaging with the Board, Executive Team, Staff, Stakeholders and Clients. This provided a comprehensive understanding of the culture and its underlying commitment to their communities.
Developing a new name is never an easy task and this project was no exception. Health is an extremely crowded marketplace and we needed something unique which would elevate the organisation for its future plans.
As such, we created the word ‘Oseca’. Inspired by the origins of health and ancient Greek mythology, this unique and original word provides the foundation for a new phase of the organisation’s journey.
The colours went through a significant evolution while the icon moved away from environmental elements and now emulates Oseca’s ‘no wrong doors’ policy and hub structure, representing everyone coming together on their journey to better health.
The Last Word
thebox was also involved with the brands roll out and activation. Assisting with the launch of the brand at a special event with over 100 guests across staff, stakeholders and VIPs.
What We’ve Done
- Concept Development
- Strategic Planning
- Facilitation
- Name Creation
- Brand Development
- Corporate Style
- Stationery Suite
- Design
- Printing
- Merchandise
- Collateral
- Templates
- Signage Solutions