Great ideas are often found in resourceful businessmen and women who believe in the power of the human spirit and trust enough to understand they can make a difference.

In June 2011, Scott Robinson dreamed a dream. Believing ‘Not for Profit’ organisations could grow and prosper more independently, when assisted in marketing themselves strategically and professionally, Scott began the process of finding others who would support a new and powerful concept.

And so was born The Orange Seed Project.

In 2012 the ‘seed’ grew to become a reality and with the support of The West Australian newspaper, the 2012 Project was staged.

Fuelled by Scott’s continued leadership, the 2013 Project delivered a massive $294,000.00 gift to 10 ‘Not for Profit’ organisations, making a two year total of more than half a million dollars in gifts, advertising and cash shared by 20 ‘Not for Profits’.

In June this year PlusLife’s Managing Director, Anne Cowie, the recipient of the initial Orange Seed Gift 2012, nominated Scott for the WA Business News 40 Under 40 Award, a programme dedicated to finding 40 outstanding young business men and women worthy of the award. The awards recognise not only personal determination and commercial drive, but also the philanthropic pursuits that balance these young individuals’ professional achievements.

On the evening of Wednesday 19th April, the 40 Under 40 Gala Event was held at the Grand Ballroom at Crown Perth.

For the third time and being the only person to achieve this in the thirteen year history of the Awards’, we wholeheartedly congratulate Scott and acknowledge all of the wonderful people behind Scott and Jack in the box for their continued support.