Don’t Preach – Do the Teach

Promotion isn’t all feathers and comfy stuffing. There is a real risk of portraying your brand in a smarmy, unconnected, egocentric way. Promotion of your brand doesn’t have to be all Kanye West, sometimes it can be more subtle and clever. (Ouch. – Editor)

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Simian Solo Sells

If you type ‘drum solo’ into google chances are ‘Phil Collins’ will pop up in the suggested search list. In fact, this is what popped into Argentinian director Juan Cabral‘s mind, while talking to crew during a rain break on set.

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Tech Tech Tech, Tech Boom

It’s 2019, it’s the future, It’s getting nerdy up in here. Go get your inhaler of choice and we will talk about just some of the new things that should hit this year (or gettin’ close) on your planet.

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You can’t be Siri’ous

You can ask an assistant to take your calls and get the caller to ring back, leave a message or deflect ire while you play golf. You can ask an assistant to answer questions where you don’t even remember ‘what’s his name’. A human assistant can use initiative and think of things and action them for you.

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