I don’t really do social media, not big on it and never will. I have managed to avoid being a slave to it and can’t see my use of it changing.
Explore our historical blog articles for nuggets of wisdom (and random musings) from our crew.
In an age old episode of Faulty Towers there is a scene, which resinates with me because of it’s pure ludicracy. Basil, played by that eccentric comic John Cleese, is traveling in his small car when it breaks down. In frustration he takes a large tree branch and proceeds to beat the car saying, “I’ve told you before, you worthless…”
As my final blog for 2018, it’s hard to fathom where the year has disappeared too.
In a year of turbulence, who can forget the world at war…
Unless you’ve been in a cryogenic freeze like Hans Solo for the last 20 years, you would have noticed a tandem shift in how we ingest messages today.
In a super saturated world of media popping up here there and everywhere 24/7, the thing that matters more than ever is cut through.
Imagine if you will a world with just one flower, or one colour, one car, one style of house. Boring? You bet your life.