Oh my…it is waaaaaaaaaaaay too close to be getting too serious with a blog!!!
Explore our historical blog articles for nuggets of wisdom (and random musings) from our crew.
Anyone in advertising knows that as the temperature goes up, traditional media consumption goes down. This is why the only programs on TV at the moment are cheesy Christmas movies or Simpsons re-runs, and Summer media space is sold at discounted rates. Instead of giving up or slowing down your media spend during this time of the year, consider how you can do things differently – like getting involved with my favourite Summer marketing tool, outdoor cinema.
It’s fair to say that what the G-Spot is to a man, positioning is to most business. We all know it exists but how come there are so many people that just don’t hit the mark?
I have just relocated to a new suburb, not yet privileged enough to receive any form of junk mail (until out of the isolation, rose the ever-faithful Dominos vouchers which seem to follow me everywhere I go). I then thought to myself – I am a prime marketing target. I’ve just built a home and need to buy countless forms of furniture and homewares to fill it, and I have no spare time to go and do my own product research, yet no-one is marketing to me!
Christmas can be a time of excess for many. With parties galore, the tendency to decorate excessively and the tradition of gift buying, it seems the environment often gets forgotten at this time of year. This blog lists some of the ways we can all be more environmentally friendly during the festive season.
I have a question for you…would you send out a letter to a client, customer or supplier on piece of plain white reflex paper?
I recently came across a website entitled ‘clients from hell’ which was posted on one of my favourite design blogs – Swiss Miss. The website is a forum for designers to post the stupid and sometimes impossible things their clients have said to them. After reading some of the posts (and having a bit of a chuckle) I noticed a common thread running through them all – the ‘stupidness’ of the client generally stemmed from a lack of understanding about what a designer does and more accurately a lack of clear communication between the client and designer.