Walking the ‘typerope’
The life of an acrobat in the circus of design
Balance. Sounds simple doesn’t it. So why is it that we view balance differently even when there is only the slightest change? Give this a try…stand with your feet together and look forward. Easy isn’t it? Ok, now find something to stand on – a milk crate, a stack of books, anything with a little bit of height and a small surface area. Stand in exactly the same way…not as easy is it?
So how could such a small change make such a big difference?
Visual cues are such an important aspect of our lives. Our brain processes billions of visual signals every second – 2,000,000 bits of information per second according to some scientists. We can only process 7 “chunks” (give or take 2 chunks) each second which means in today’s market, it’s more and more important to get noticed.
Balance in design and typography are two secrets to achieving this. If something is visually pleasing ( balanced) then the information is much easier to intake. Something that is unbalanced is disturbing to the eye and can cause the sub-conscious to dismiss the message. It all just gets too hard.
It takes many years of experience to understand the art of balance and develop what is essentially an art – and perhaps a dying art at that. Word Processors and various desktop publishing programs have simplified this art and thus many of the nuances have been lost. Alternatively many people believe they can design something because they happen to have one of these programs installed on their computer. Smash a little bit of clip art in there along with your ‘favourite’ typeface and WHAM you’ve got a piece of art….sorry – no you don’t!
It takes expert lion tamers, jugglers, ring masters and acrobats to handle these clowns…but it can be done.
‘ Typerope‘ walking…it’s a tricky business.