Getting yourself mobile
Jack’s brand new sms system
I’ve never had children (well none I know of!) but I think I can appreciate the feeling of being a new parent. Last week, Jack’s latest baby was born – our msgbox eMinder system. This was a pipe dream that rattled around the studio for sometime until both Lee and I decided that no one actually had a system that would do what we needed…so we built one!
The basis of the msgbox eMinder system is that it can provide you with electronic reminders (thus the term eMinders) via a web interface. You simply enter in the details of the event you wish to be eMinded about and the system sends you an email, sms or both at a pre-defined date and time before the event! How cool is that?
There’s even a bulk message feature for group sms or emails which is really handy for many businesses.
The first system was launched on the new site for Fire and Lime, so if you want to try it out…that’s the place to go.
It works either as an integrated part of your website or as a stand alone system and can be customised on various levels depending on your needs (and your budget!).
So as the system takes its first breath, we look forward to the on-going growth as we come up with more new and innovative ideas to implement. We’ve already have a list, so look out for v2.0 towards the end of the year.
To find out more, just click here to visit our online media section.