Constant contact

A little over 10 years ago the world was a very different place. I was studying at university and going out most nights. It was probably the most social time of my life, yet I didn’t have a mobile phone, a digital camera, or an email address and I wasn’t a member of any social sites like Facebook or Twitter. I didn’t even own a computer!

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The dreaded T word

Client: “We’d like you to make us a template so we can do the work inhouse”. It’s enough to make any designer shudder. Designing templates opens your well designed work up to unintentional sabotage. There are many reasons why templates can be disastrous, here are a few.

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Creative cropping

We all know that almost every image we see in the media has been manipulated in some way. Airbrushing, removing distracting objects, colour enhancement and lighting adjustments are common place and we’ve come to expect it in the images we see, but have you thought about the way cropping changes the images you see, sometimes dramatically?

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Visual data

The way data is presented visually can make a huge impact on how powerful it is to the end consumer. It is important for designers to consider how they design graphs and infographics when presenting data in reports etc. for this very reason.

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Skiing in the digital age

Being a huge fan of the snow, I was lucky enough to spend the past two weeks skiing in Japan. Whilst there, I came to realise how much the internet and technology have come to play a part in how we approach this, and many other sports. Gone are the days when you wake up to half a metre of snow and it’s a complete surprise.

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Leaving it to chance

I am a strong believer in good, solid branding which is why I was a little shocked when I opened the newspaper recently to discover a local group calling for submissions for a new logo in the form of a competition.

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