Magicians have always fascinated me. I’m naturally curious and as such I’m always trying to work out exactly how they manage to pull off these amazing tricks and illusions.

I’m obviously not naive enough to believe in magic but the art of a magician is one not dissimilar to the world in which we all preside upon today.

I’ve written on the subject of integration before, muting the changes in television and the internet and the seamless connection between our living rooms and the online work that is coming.

This sense of integration doesn’t just stop there though. It’s everywhere.

Check your Coles voucher and start to notice the messaging and communication that is working it’s way into your pocket. Now turn your attention to the detail within your weekly eNewsletter from them and you can start to get a sense that they almost know instinctively what it is you’re into…

Here’s a little secret…they do!

With so many levels of integration in a multi national franchise, combined with a ‘rewards’ system (you didn’t think you actually received points for buying products do you?) they are able to compile an incredible amount of data from a huge number of sources to tailor their marketing messages and provide a much more customised approach.

It’s nothing to fear though and you’re not being tricked. It’s simply a deeper level of integration than many consumers are accustomed. Before, someone had to genuinely get to know you to provide you with a better service or a better experience. Now data and automation can begin to bring that to your door.

Now I’m sure this will be met with some grave concerns from many and to some degree it can feel a little invasive. But an integrated world is a reality…not an illusion.

While you may be concerned with the health of the rabbit being pulled out of the hat…you’re kind of missing the point of the trick. You’re meant to be wowed. We all know it’s an illusion. A trick. A slight of hand. A secret compartment. Yet you should still marvel at the performance and the effort it took to pull it off.

Integration will continue to grow as we become more and more connected. Digital wallets, smartphone integration, social media, email etc. It will all seamlessly integrate slowly but surely to provide us with more opportunities – both sides of the fence (consumers and business).

Just like the magician, I’m fascinated by the future of integration.

From technology to marketing, home automation to lifestyle products, we live in an exciting era that will be looked back on as a milestone age of our evolution…like it or not.

So sit back. Enjoy the show.
Feast your eyes on the incredible, the amazing, the magical ‘WORLD OF INTEGRATION’.