Less is more

The first rule of advertising to achieve maximum impact is simple – ‘Keep it simple stupid’.
Make the message short, straight to the point and don’t clutter the visual space.

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Corporate styling

A logo is made of four basic elements: typeface, colour, icon and name. And it is the design of these elements that create instant identification of the organisation/product or service. There is another element that while not part of the physical logo, is as readily identifiable and even more identifiable in certain circumstances. This part of the equation is corporate styling.

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Pick a colour… any colour

The power of colour is everywhere, and it influences our lives without us even knowing! It makes us hungry, angry, calm or happy. Many experiments have been conducted on the effect colour has on our emotions and feelings. And as designers and marketers we need to take this into account when we communicate to the consumer.

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The icing on top

I look at a brand like a cake: the logo and livery are the icing on the cake, and the cake itself is the product/organisation made up of various ingredients such as quality, service, culture etc. Sure we can design the icing to look mouth watering and delicious, because this first impression is the key to enticing the consumer to take that bite. But on chomping into the cake if we are left with a bad taste in the mouth there is no way we will be coming back for another bite.

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Living brands

Never before has the marketplace moved so quickly or been accessed by such a complex global audience. We are saturated by fast paced evolving media, we flick through stations and dial through music on our ipod like a steroid infused hamster on a wheel. This brings the question, are simple logos right or even relevant to a brand today, is a simple logo the answer?

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