You can’t be Siri’ous

You can ask an assistant to take your calls and get the caller to ring back, leave a message or deflect ire while you play golf. You can ask an assistant to answer questions where you don’t even remember ‘what’s his name’. A human assistant can use initiative and think of things and action them for you.

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OK Computer

Obviously we will need to settle on a happy medium of auditory, UI overlay, graphical, tactile and maybe even olfactory interactions. We as designers, UI and UX ninjas will need to ramp up our skills to include: data analyst, robotic geek, biology nerd, science dweeb, aroma therapist, physical therapist and psychology neophyte.

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Internet of Fings

Bridging the gap between different technology systems and being able to congregate that data to better run, manage, drive and lift the performance of your business will be one of the most defining aspects of business growth in the next 5 years.

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Good Tech, Bad Tech

Once upon a time a mobile phone had one function, it let us make phone calls. Then we could send text messages. Then the phones could handle email and instant messaging. Now the smartphones with their endless apps have taken over life as we once knew it.

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Failing to Plan

On a professional or business level, the opportunities for automation today are endless. If your organisation doesn’t yet have a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) then I highly recommend you look at this right now!

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