Update or outdate

We live in a nano second world. A world that now relies on technology. A world where being up to date is not just expected …it’s essential. So how does an organisation deal with this?

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More digital?

We’ve all been hearing about Digital TV recently – what it is, when it’s coming, and what it means for us, the agencies, and you the advertisers. Digital Radio is another of these amazing developments being discussed in media circles, which deserves some explanation and interpretation.

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Living brands

Never before has the marketplace moved so quickly or been accessed by such a complex global audience. We are saturated by fast paced evolving media, we flick through stations and dial through music on our ipod like a steroid infused hamster on a wheel. This brings the question, are simple logos right or even relevant to a brand today, is a simple logo the answer?

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This is the time

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Hard times call for hard measures. Both typical cliche lines perhaps but in the current market, it’s fair to say that they have never been more relevant. As marketers, we believe that it’s always essential to have a plan but if we really had to pick a time, it would probably be when you’re doing your best. Yes, that’s right. You’re best. So why the heck would I be suggesting a strategy now? Well, if we had a second choice, then now would be it!

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Web impressions

I was quite rambunctious as a child, and as a result each time I left the house without being accompanied by a parent my mother would intone, “Aoife, please behave. You only get one chance to make a first impression”. Having matured (somewhat) since those days I no longer need my mother to remind me to watch my p’s and q’s, however the truth of just how quickly humans formulate first impressions has been a source of continuing fascination to me.

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The bigger picture

A simple advertisement in a recent edition of Ad News captured mine, and our whole team’s attention, and I’d like to share it with you. It takes a look at the ‘economic crisis’ and forces you to examine the situation from a different perspective. It broadcasts all we’ve been trying to say about the ‘crisis’ and more, in a few simple words. Read on if you’d like to see what I’m talking about.

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Making a stand

Next weekend (January 17th + 18th), Quit Motorplex will play host to Motorvation 23 and one of our latest clients, HDT, will be there. Having spent time on the East Coast last year with the team at HDT, learning more about the latest product offerings and driving the cars, I can assure you that this is a fantastic opportunity for the West to get their first real look at the all new HDT Special Vehicles.

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