Climate Change

Climate Change

Now before we start, I want to clarify that I am not an environmental scientist. Nor am I looking to debate the existence of climate change nor rising sea levels or the warming of the earth’s crust.

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Give a Crap

Give a Crap

Day to day, I try to recycle what I can, purchase biodegradable products where possible and overall try and adopt an ‘experiences over stuff’ mentality. We can’t all be perfect, but I do think there’s a lot of merit in doing the best we can – if everyone adopted this view to improve just a little bit, the world would change dramatically.

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Pick an Ad… any Ad…

Media Buying

I’ve heard it many, many times over my career in this industry…”Media Buying is easy! Anyone can book an advert! Why would I pay you for it?” While every business person should question what they’re paying for, but what I’d like to challenge is what’s easy about it?

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Out Trumped

Out Trumped

What could be more topical than ‘Donald’. I don’t think anyone in history has been called so many names – and not many of them are complimentary.

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Slash your media spend


The way I see it is pretty simple. You have two options when it comes to advertising and media selection – one causes stress and costs more, the other fits nicely into your budget and feels organised and calm.

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Science Friction

Why we need the explorers

To most, marketing does not qualify as a science, an opinion I do not share, especially today. It may surprise some to know that today technology has provided us with the tools to confirm many of marketing’s deep seated assumptions and to debunk some of our most vehemently held views. And as we adopt the idea of exploring instead of guessing, our profession is impacted by findings which impact all varieties of other life skills.

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Science, the Cure for Curation


The elephant, for some in the fancy room of art is that dorky new kid ‘Science’. He comes into a perfectly ordered and regulated room with all these new ideas, mediums, rules and quiet frighteningly… possibilities.

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