One Size Fits All
Big, Big and Bigger
I never understood this ambiguous description placed on merchandise attire, ‘one size fits all’. Such a deceiving concept that not only ignores a customer’s individualism but also portrays a brand’s insensitivity to target marketing? Let’s put this in perspective… If this ‘tag’ were so called true, I would be living in Gnomesville (this place actually exists), as for those who know me I have been blessed with ‘not-so-tall’ genetics. Realistically it’s a ‘one size fits most’ scenario, and even that’s being ambitious. ‘One size may fit’, now we’re talking…
As unique individuals, human physicality is difficult to define into a category of measurements. However, we have managed to create a numerical guide i.e. 6 – 14 or more simply, XXS – XXL. In some cases, this may vary dependent on brand, style and location. Here we are defining a tangible element- size, so the process isn’t too complex. Now try to imagine defining something intangible, such as the various categories of human desires… Motivation.
It’s definitely not a ‘one size fits all’ application, far from it. What motivates one person can be entirely different to another. Motivation is a theoretical definition explaining the reason behind a person’s behaviour. To make it even more complicated, a variety of factors can influence a person’s motivation, such as society perceptions, relationship influences and life experiences. The requirement for extensive research and marketing intelligence is crucial in identifying an organisation’s key consumer motivators.
Throughout my life, inspiration has been a key motivator in driving my behaviour. It has been the force that influences and excites me to think big and dream bigger! Creative agencies harvests this culture by nurturing the exploration of curiosity, striving for innovation, forward thinking, pushing boundaries, taking risks and discovering the eureka moments in campaign advertising! In a society where digital data is accelerating to new heights, businesses are expected to not only understand and recognise consumer needs, but to deliver an interactive, personal and memorable experience. It has shifted from ‘thinking outside the box’, to creating the box, thinking in, around and through it. Advertising that inspires a consumer, not only connects with them emotionally but motivates them to engage in a brand.
Next time you’re feeling creative, think BIG, BIG and BIGGER, and I don’t mean ‘make my logo bigger!’ Get inspired at Jack in the box!