If you type ‘drum solo’ into google chances are ‘Phil Collins’ will pop up in the suggested search list. In fact, this is what popped into Argentinian director Juan Cabral‘s mind, while talking to crew during a rain break on set.
Explore our historical blog articles for nuggets of wisdom (and random musings) from our crew.
One-size-fits all advertising just doesn’t cut it these days. To be honest, it’s just borderline lazy.
Getting your advertising frequency wrong is a cardinal sin, so how can you make a fool-proof campaign?
If you’ve got something to say and want to be heard, then you’ve got to channel your thoughts.
So your Grandfather thinks ‘lol’ means ‘Lots of Love. We all laugh Ho! Ho! Ho! But somewhere in the midst of the hilarity there is a serious side. Is it possible we’ve turned our language into chaotic noise? I know that today our communication is driven by the acronym rather than the beauty of rustling, rhythmic whispers which the poets of yesterday so earnestly constructed.
We often liken new technology like machine learning; apps and recognition software as the terminator style cyborg tank tracks crushing our old cultures and ways into the dust.