Over the last few years a new (but technically old) “image” format has grown up, been reinvented and risen to power thanks to social media and other internet messaging platforms.
Explore our historical blog articles for nuggets of wisdom (and random musings) from our crew.
Whenever we hear a story, we naturally want to relate to it. We intuitively want to connect on a deeper level.
I don’t really do social media, not big on it and never will. I have managed to avoid being a slave to it and can’t see my use of it changing.
In an age old episode of Faulty Towers there is a scene, which resinates with me because of it’s pure ludicracy. Basil, played by that eccentric comic John Cleese, is traveling in his small car when it breaks down. In frustration he takes a large tree branch and proceeds to beat the car saying, “I’ve told you before, you worthless…”
In a crowded marketplace, how can you ensure your brand is being heard? Despite what you think, less is more when it comes to your digital footprint
Everyone (ok…well most of us) will recall the great battle of Betacam vs VHS. Despite Beta being a superior product, VHS gained the biggest momentum and a single format was chosen as the ‘norm’.
It’s 2019, it’s the future, It’s getting nerdy up in here. Go get your inhaler of choice and we will talk about just some of the new things that should hit this year (or gettin’ close) on your planet.